Saturday, May 2, 2015


The witch's soup (마녀의 수프) is a very popular soup in Korea and other Asian countries. This is just a very healthy soup that you should eat whenever you feel hungry.

Half a head of cabbage
3 tomatoes
3 carrots
1 bell pepper (any kind)
2 onions
6 celery
8 cups of water
1 cup of chicken broth
2 teaspoons of garlic salt

*Note: Wash all of you vegetables before you start. The cabbage has to washed after you cut it up also.

Put the water and chicken broth in a large pot and boil. While that is heating up chop up all the vegetables to about 1 inch cubes except the cabbage carrots and celery. The cabbage jut cut it into tiny strips for the carrots peel them first then cut them and the celery into half inch disks. Once you are done put all the ingredients in the pot with the garlic salt. Bring to a boil again, put the lid on the soup and set it to a simmer (Medium) for 2 hours. After 2 hours serve and enjoy!

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